Batman Beyond originally released as an animated series with a monumentally tall task. Its goal was to create a sequel to Batman, one of the most prolific heroes in comic book…
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Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter explores how Jessica would react if her worst nightmare came true. While out of her sight, Jessica’s child turns purple, implying that Killgrave is…
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Jessica Jones: Blind Spot picks up directly after the end of the Jessica Jones (2016-2018) run by Brian Michael Bendis. After successfully integrating back into her world and finally…
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I really do not have any background on Jessica Jones and know very little about the character but I still really enjoyed this run by Bendis. The entirety of the series spans 18…
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The Last Wish is a series of 7 short stories following the adventures of a monster hunter, known as a witcher, Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher series has really risen in acclaim over the…
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What actually happens when powerful people are threatened? Like any of us, they fight to protect themselves and their assets.
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The sequel to Skyward, Starsight continues the story of Spensa Nightshade and her people’s quest to reclaim to stars.