Is Catch and Kill Worth Reading?

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What actually happens when powerful people are threatened? Like any of us, they fight to protect themselves and their assets. They reach out with everything they have and attempt to deal with the threat. But when your resources are functionally unlimited, how far can you reach to put a stop to the things that could do you harm? When Harvey Weinstein and Matt Lauer were accused of sexual assault, that question was finally answered with stunning results. Catch and Kill is Ronan Farrow’s detailed account of everything that happened behind the scenes of those scandals. Media companies, whose heads were friends with the accused, scrambled to bury stories. Private investigators on both sides raced to gather facts fastest. An Israeli intelligence agency and two Ukrainian spies are hired to tail and harass journalists and witnesses. And beyond all that, we still don’t know everything. With headlines continuing to this day, this is certainly a story that is still being written. Already, however, it is full of monumental bravery and shocking evil. The worst of it, however, is the infrastructure that was built to keep entire industries complicit in the perpetuation and normalization of sexual assault.

Rating: A – Riveting

Book Title: Catch and Kill

Author: Ronan Farrow

Release Date: 10/15/19

Genre: Non-Fiction

Length: 464 Pages

Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company

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