Is Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter Worth Reading?

Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter explores how Jessica would react if her worst nightmare came true. While out of her sight, Jessica’s child turns purple, implying that Killgrave is interfering with her life once again. This comic run looks at how this occurrence changes her relationship with her husband and more importantly, her child. It begs the question, can she continue to unconditionally love a being when it becomes the embodiment of what she hates most? To help her child, Jessica must hunt down the Purple Man and in doing, so we are introduced the Purple Children, other children of Killgrave. Like the prior entries in the Jessica Jones series starting in 2016, the inking and coloring is great. The story is entertaining and takes a turn that I was not expecting. However, Marvel characters are added to every issue and their inclusion sometimes feels superfluous, but not enjoying their inclusion is likely more of a personal preference. What I really liked was how this storyline is so personal to Jones and allows for a lot of introspection. If you liked any of the other Jessica Jones runs that started in 2016, you will enjoy this as well.

Rating: B- If you have Marvel Unlimited, definitely give this a read

Book Title: Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter

Book Series: Jessica Jones

Author: Kelly Thompson

Release Date: 4/24/2019

Genre: Superhero Comic Book

Length: 6 issues

Publisher: Marvel Comics

Tags: Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter Review; Jessica Jones Purple Daughter; Is Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter Good; Is Jessica Jones Purple Daughter Good; Is Jessica Jones: Purple Daughter Worth Reading; Is Jessica Jones Purple Daughter Worth Reading