Is Jessica Jones: Blindspot Worth Reading?

Jessica Jones: Blind Spot picks up directly after the end of the Jessica Jones (2016-2018) run by Brian Michael Bendis. After successfully integrating back into her world and finally starting to find happiness in her marriage, Jessica Jones begins investigating the murder of a past client. This run has great art and a classic comic feel. The line art and inking are crisp and the coloring is solid. I know this is a preference, but sometimes when the coloring looks like it was a digital painting that line art was put around, I get turned off from the comic. But this run has a style that I really enjoy looking at. Narratively, Thompson crafts a great private eye story that feels right at home in a universe with superpowers and inter-dimensional beings. The story was perfectly paced, and Jones’ client was perfect.I thought it came through with its conclusion; it was a great reflection of how Jones has since grown from her trauma and uses it to help a similarly situated person. If you are looking for a short run for a quick read, this is one to check out.

Rating: B- Good. If you have Marvel Unlimited, definitely give this a read.

Book Title: Jessica Jones: Blind Spot

Book Series: Jessica Jones

Writer: Kelly Thompson

Art: Marcio Takara

Release Date: 10/31/2018

Genre: Superhero Comic Book

Length: 6 issues

Publisher: Marve Comics

Tages: Jessica Jones; Jessica Jones Review; Jessica Jones: Blindspot; Jessica Jones: Blindspot Review; Jessica Jones Blindspot; Jessica Jones Blindspot Review; Is Jessica Jones Blindspot Good; Is Jessica Jones: Blindspot Good; Is Jessica Jones: Blindspot Worth Reading; Is Jessica Jones Blindspot Worth Reading