Is The Last Wish Worth Reading?

The Last Wish is a series of 7 short stories following the adventures of a monster hunter, known as a witcher, Geralt of Rivia. The Witcher series has really risen in acclaim over the past few years due to the highly regarded video game, The Witcher 3, and the recent release of the Netflix series, starring Henry Cavil, The Witcher. If you have already watched the Netflix series, The Last Wish will be very familiar to you. Of the 7 short stories, 5 of them were adapted in one way or another in the first season of The Witcher. As I watched the series first, I was happy to find that the short stories do flesh out some of Geralt’s encounters more than in the Netflix version, particularly Geralt’s meeting with the elves. Sapkowski does a great job building a world with only short stories by having each story flesh out a different portion of the world- for example, being monster, magic, or politically focused. By exploring these different bite-sized areas, I felt like I had a better understanding of Geralt’s place in the world. I recommend fans of the fantasy genre give this collection a read.

 Rating: B- Good

Book Title: The Last Wish

Book Series: The Witcher

Author: Andrzej Sapkowski

Release Date: 1993

Genre: Fantasy

Length: 288 Pages

Publisher: Gollancz

Tags: The Last Wish; The Last Wish Review; Is the Last Wish Good; Is the Last Wish Worth Reading

booksMarkbook review, witcher