Is Starsight Worth Reading?


The sequel to Skyward, Starsight continues the story of Spensa Nightshade and her people’s quest to reclaim to stars. Written by Brandon Sanderson, the book begins six months after the climactic Battle of Alta Two and sees Spensa (callsign: Spin) and her flight of starfighters taking the battle off world. There is much in the galaxy that the humans don’t understand. Marooned on the planet Detritus, they are blind to the machinations of the other collected civilizations, even as a political war rages over their very existence. Much of this book takes place away from most of the characters you grew to love in Skyward, instead opting to introduce you to a new, complex, and literally alien cast. The book dives deep into the implications of war against an unknown enemy and what it means psychologically to see that enemy as its own entity, capable of growth, self-determination, and love. While heavily sci-fi, Starsight also dips its toes in the waters of cosmic horror with the introduction of the delvers: the eyes so often referenced in the first installment. Skyward introduced us to the world of Detritus. Starsight fulfills the promise of its predecessor by exploring further in every way.

Rating: A - An excellent continuation of the saga

Book Title: Starsight

Book Series: Skyward (Book 2)

Author: Brandon Sanderson

Release Date: 11/26/19

Genre: Science Fiction

Length: 480 Pages

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Tags: Starsight; Starsight Review; Is Starsight Good; Is Starsight Worth Reading: Brandon Sanderson Starsight; Brandon Sanderson Starsight Review