Is Where'd You Go, Bernadette Worth Watching?

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Where’d You Go Bernadette is a winding film about a woman reaching the culmination of a long personal crisis. A well-known architect, Bernadette Fox has given up her passions in favor of raising her daughter and flipping an old house. However, this stagnation in her career has led her to the brink of an emotional breakdown. After she accidentally (but not completely accidentally) causes a problematic neighbor’s hillside to slide into their living room she discovers that the personal assistant she’d been communicating with was actually a Russian con artist. In response to her life beginning to crumble, she flees to Antarctica of all places where she rediscovers her passion for creating and begins secures a contract to build the new South Pole research station. All the while, her husband and daughter seek to follow her to the end of the earth to repair the relationships that have been damaged in the process. The movie has several overlapping plots – each focusing on a different relationship – but it never feels overly crowded. It doesn’t outstay it’s welcome, and while it gets silly in places, I was never put off by Bernadette’s misadventures.

Rating: B – Fun and Well Made

Movie Title: Where’d You Go, Bernadette

Release Date: 8/16/19

Genre: Family Drama

Where to Watch: Purchase or Rent

Run Time: 109 Minutes

Rating: PG-13

Director: Richard Linklater

Starring: Cate Blanchette; Billy Crudup; Kristen Wiig; Judy Greer; Laurence Fishburne

Production Company: Annapurna Pictures; Color Force; Detour Filmproduction

Distributed by: United Artists Releasing

Tags: Where’d You Go Bernadette; Where’d You Go Bernadette Review; Is Where’d You Go Bernadette Good; Is Where’d You Go Bernadette Worth Watching