Is Horizon Zero Dawn Worth Playing?

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Horizon Zero Dawn is an action adventure game that came out for the Playstation 4 back in 2017. It takes place in an open world environment where the main character Aloy is free to roam and investigate the mysterious attack on her people. Despite being a society of hunter-gatherers, the people inhabit the ruins of an ancient and advanced civilization that left behind incredibly advanced technology. One example is the device Aloy wears that allows her to see the world with Augmented Reality. Another example is the robotic wildlife that coexists with the humans. From the size of a deer, to the size of several elephants, these machines inhabit the land, sea, and sky and are often very hostile. The gameplay itself revolves around scouting your enemies and finding a weakness to exploit. It’s an excellent balance of action, suspense, and strategy. Visually, the game is stunningly beautiful. Even the machines are well designed and elegant, to the point where they feel like real animals while you use your spear and bow to hunt them. You can usually find the complete version with the DLC included for under $20. A joy to play twice for the platinum.

Rating: S – This is, to date, the best video game I’ve ever played.

Title: Horizon Zero Dawn

Released: 2/28/17

Genre: Action; Adventure

Developer: Guerrilla Games

Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment

Systems: PlayStation 4

Rating: T

Amount Played: Platinum including DLC for PlayStation