Is Sucker Punch Worth Watching?

Sucker Punch has some great underlying ideas that create an interesting framework that is lackadaisically executed. The movie focuses on a young girl who is forcefully committed to a mental institution where her step-father is forces a lobotomy onto her. To cope with this reality, she retreats into her mind to create a story where she is her own heroine in an attempt to escape. However, within this story itself, she retreats another layer deeper as each step for her escape turns into a mini quest that plays out like a video game. I love this premise’s darker undertones, and this movie should have let these elements shine through. Instead Snyder focuses on gratuitous action sequences, and while these scenes are cool, they do not add much to the story, and I found myself becoming jaded due to overexposure. However, to his credit, Snyder did a try to tie some of the underlying ideas of the main character’s distress to the action scenes, and I thought those were some of the more compelling parts of the movie. Overall, this is vintage Snyder and if you don’t enjoy his style it is unlikely you will like this movie.

Rating: D- Bad

Movie Title: Sucker Punch

Release Date: 3/25/2011

Genre: Psychological Fantasy Action

Where to Watch: HBO

Run Time: 109 minutes

Rating: PG-13

Director: Zack Snyder

Starring: Emily Browning; Abbie Cornish; Jena Malone; Vanessa Hudgens; Jamie Chung; Carla Gugino; Oscar Isaac; John Hamm; Scott Glenn

Production Company: Legendary Pictures; Cruel and Unusual Films

Distributed By: Warner Bros. Pictures

Tags: Sucker Punch; Sucker Punch Review; Is Sucker Punch Good; Is Sucker Punch Worth Watching?