Is Sour Grapes Worth Watching?

Sour Grapes follows the nearly decade long con of Rudy Kurniawan selling thousands of bottles of counterfeit high-end wine. What makes this documentary so great is that it shows a clear disconnect between people who can truly appreciate good wines (the vintners, sommeliers, etc.) and the people who can afford to pay the $10,000.00-a-bottle asking. Rudy was able to con these buyers because either they all did not actually seem to have the palette to tell these wines were fake, or they were willfully ignorant. The funniest yet most pitiful part of the film occurs when a staunch defender of Rudy takes some of his wine to a wine bar with some friends. After all of them proudly decrying that this is in fact authentic and a great wine, they offer it to a sommelier. The sommelier immediately informs them it is fake and tastes like skunked wine. The look of dejection of the group’s faces says it all. Rudy clearly had an above average palate and leveraged it to his financial gain. If you want to see how high end fraud is committed and investigated, you should definitely check out this documentary.

 Rating: B- You should definitely check out this documentary if you ever get a chance.

Movie Title: Sour Grapes

Release Date: 2016

Genre: Documentary

Where to Watch: Netflix

Run Time: 85 minutes

Rating: N/A

Director: Jerry Rothwell; Reuben Atlas

Production Company: Met Film; Faites Un Voeu

Distributed By: Dogwoof; London

Tags: Sour Grapes; Sour Grapes Review; Is Sour Grapes Good; Is Sour Grapes Worth Watching; Is Sour Grapes Worth Seeing