Is Bad Education Worth Watching?

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Bad Education is a based on a true story movie about a massive fraud committed against a Long Island school district by its administrators. Hugh Jackman and Alison Janney star in this HBO original movie as the two masterminds behind the embezzlement of millions of dollars. By taking advantage of a lack of oversight and a trusting auditor, the pair manage to use fake contracts and unsanctioned credit cards to live an extravagant lifestyle while the school district they manage foots the bill. What’s truly incredible about this story is that it was originally uncovered by a student journalist who’d been assigned to write about an upcoming construction project. Inspired by Jackman’s character – of all people – she digs into construction bids and contracts and finds the numbers don’t add up. This leads to the discovery that several of the companies don’t even exist and their phone numbers and addresses are ties to Jackman and Janney’s characters. It’s amazing to think about the fact that they probably could have gotten away with it if they’d just been a little more careful in covering their tracks. It was an engaging and really satisfying watch.

Rating: B – Very interesting

Movie Title: Bed Education

Release Date: September 8, 2019

Genre: Drama

Where to Watch: HBO

Run Time: 108 Minutes

Rating: TV-MA

Starring: Hugh Jackman; Alison Janney; Ray Romano

Director: Cory Finley

Production Company: Automatik; Sight Unseen; Slater Hall

Distributed by: HBO Films

Tags: Is Bad Education Worth Watching; Is Bad Education Good; Bad Education HBO