Is Rage 2 Worth Playing?

I did not have any real fun in Rage 2 until around the 5 hour mark. By this time, I had unlocked a few weapons and abilities thatfinally started to show off the best feature in the game, its gunplay. It is undeniably fun to run into a bandit camp with the plethora of guns you can equip and take out all of the enemies in the ensuing carnage. However, this one shining example does not overcome the games many other deficiencies. First, there are a variety of bugs that, while they are not game breaking, are annoying. For example, the menu in this game has ridiculous lag. It was so bad, I would avoid upgrading. In a modern game, you should not have to deal with a menu that lags. Next, Rage 2 sets itself in an open world that only has 7 main missions, each ranging in length form 20-40 minutes. Everything else revolves around going to an area and clearing enemies. Even with its good gunplay, this gets repetitive. Unfortunately, Rage 2 plays like a generic FPS, albeit an FPS with great gunplay, that does not have enough mission and enemy encounter variety to set it apart. 

Rating: C- While the gunplay mechanics themselves are fun once you unlock everything, the limited scenarios set up throughout the game world gets repetitive. 

Title: Rage 2

Released: 05/14/2019

Genre: First Person Shooter

Developer: Avalanceh Studios; id Software

Publisher: Bethesda Softworks

Systems: PC; Ps4; Xbox One; Stadia

Rating: M

Amount Played: Platinum on PS4

Tags: Rage 2 Review; Is Rage 2 Good; Is Rage 2 Worth Playing