Is Promising Young Woman Worth Watching?

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Promising Young Woman is a story about avenging sexual assault victims and tormenting their assaulters. Carey Mulligan plays the med school drop out Cassandra who spends her days working in a coffee shop and her nights pretending to be black-out drunk so that she can trick men into trying to take advantage of her. Once they get her alone and begin to show a predatory nature, she drops the act and confronts them about their behavior. The sudden transition from seeming barely functional to stone-cold sober and overtly intimidating is stunning to watch and more than a little funny. Mulligan’s performance in this movie is a revelation as she scares the hell out of her marks leaving them angry or flabbergasted or trembling. All the while she’s haunted by the memory of her friend Nina whose experience was the motivating force for this crusade. She’s also engaging in a relationship with Bo Burnham and trying to allow herself to trust a man after spending every night forcing herself to see the worst they can be. Overall, this was a thrilling watch, and I highly recommend it. It’s very well constructed.

Rating: A – Engaging, thoughtful, and surprisingly fun in parts.

Movie Title: Promising Young Woman

Release Date: December 25, 2020

Genre: Black Comedy Thriller

Where to Watch: Theatres

Run Time: 113 Minutes

Rating: PG-13

Director: Emerald Fennell

Starring: Carey Mulligan; Bo Burnham; Alison Brie; Laverne Cox

Production Company: FilmNation Entertainment; LuckyChap Entertainment

Distributed by: Focus Features

Tags: Promising Young Woman; Is Promising Young Woman Good; Is Promising Young Woman Worth Watching; Carey Mulligan; Bo Burnham