Is Marriage Story Worth Watching?

Marriage Story is a rough movie to watch because of its portrayal of a couple trying to go through a simple divorce with a child is so spot on, it’s frustrating to watch. Very few movies I watch in a year physically affect my mood after viewing them, but Marriage Story did; after the credits rolled I was actually in a bad mood. The movie does not have a particularly satisfying conclusion, which parallels most divorces where one of the parties tends to be unhappy but they have to learn to live with it. Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson were spectacular in this, even though I would give Driver the edge on the better performance. The scene where the couple fights over a particularly vitriolic day in court made me think that Driver could win an Oscar. The only real flaw with the movie was that it seemed like Baumbach’s goal was to paint both parents as equally flawed yet justified in their actions, but I think Driver was portrayed as more redeemable. If portraying equal culpability was the goal, the movie should have focused more on Johansson’s perspective to help the audience better understand her actions.

 Rating: B- Good

 Movie Title: Marriage Story

Release Date: 11/6/2019

Genre: Drama

Where to Watch: Netflix

Run Time: 137 minutes

Rating: R

Director: Noah Baumbach

Starring: Scarlett Johansson; Adam Driver; Laura Dern

Production Company: Heyday Films

Distributed By: Netflix

Tags: Marriage Story; Marriage Story Review; Is Marriage Story Worth Watching; Is Marriage Story Good