Is Coffee and Kareem Worth Watching?

Coffee and Kareem reminds me of a raunchy late 2000s comedy. While I think I have generally aged out of this type of humor, it did have its moments. The movie follows the unlikely pairing of Ed Helms, a bumbling cop, and the pre-teen son of his new girlfriend, played by Terrence Little. Little has a strong performance but the character he plays was my least favorite part of the movie. Some of his lines were funny, but for the most part I thought he was annoying. While I think director Michael Dowse has the formula down for the buddy cop genre, I was not a fan of his choice to make Helms partner a child. Buddy cop movies are predicated on the audience generally liking the partners, but in this instance I could not stand Little, immediately making me dislike half of the duo. The real standout of the movie was RonReaco Lee, who played a rapper turned criminal. Nearly every scene that related to his character was funny; his interactions with Helms and Little were possibly the funniest parts of the movie. Ultimately, however, this movie does not bring enough to the table to make it a must see. 

Rating: C- Ok

Movie Title: Coffee & Kareem

Release Date: 4/3/2020

Genre: Action-Comedy

Where to Watch: Netflix

Run Time: 88 minutes

Rating: NR

Director: Michael Dowse

Starring: Ed Helms; Terrence Little 

Production Company: Pacific Electric Picture Co.

Distributed By: Netflix

Tags: Coffee and Kareem; Coffee and Kareem Review; Is Coffee and Kareem Good; Is Coffee and Kareem Worth Seeing; Is Coffee and Kareem Worth Watching