Is The VelociPastor Worth Watching?

The VelociPastor is an indie movie which noticeably does not take itself seriously. The VelociPastor is the brain child of Brendan Steere, thought up while still in grad school and eventually produced on a shoestring budget. However, Steere leans into the meager budget and uses it for comedic purposes. The costumes used looked like repurposed Halloween costumes, and much of the filming looked to take place in a combination of public parks and friends’ apartments. While I find the premise of  the movie exciting (a pastor gets cut with a dinosaur tooth and becomes a were-dinosaur who starts killing criminals to clean up the city), the execution at times was lacking. The writing was so scattershot it seemed like no idea was turned down and they ran with everything. I think they were going for a “randomness is funny” vibe, but the jokes did not always land; however, because of the scattershot approach, I am sure a group of friends will find something funny enough to become an inside joke. Because the movie knows what it is, I think it could gain a streaming cult following.

Rating: C- Ok

Movie Title: The VelociPastor

Release Date: 8/13/2019

Genre: Action-Comedy

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime

Run Time: 75 minutes

Rating: NR

Director: Brendan Steere; Alyssa Kempinski

Starring: Greg Cohan; 

Production Company: Cyfuno Ventures; Hollow Tree Films; Laika Come Home

Distributed By: Wild Eye Releasing

Tags: The VelociPastor; VelociPastor; The VelociPastor Review; VelociPastor Review; Is The VelociPastor Good; Is VelociPastor Good; Is The VelociPastor Worth Watching; Is VelociPastor Worth Watching