Is The Lighthouse Worth Watching?

I am legitimately surprised The Lighthouse had as wide of a theatrical release as it did. This was clearly a film by an auteur. Shot on a 35mm camera in black and white, the most striking and strongest element of The Lighthouse is its cinematography. However, this is clearly a film made for a niche audience. The film relies heavily on symbolism and mythology to provide a commentary on very specific themes such as toxic masculinity. This commentary is wrapped around a story that makes the viewer constantly question who is telling the truth. While watching this I felt that the director was trying to make a point, but that specific point was always just out of my comprehension. I think too many ideas were tied together, which muddied the focal theme. Additionally, while I thought Robert Pattinson and Willem Dafoe put on great performances, due to the nature of the story they are the only two characters you see for nearly the entire movie. Because of this and the convoluted strands making up the themes, this movie drags. Unless you are a fan of art-house films, I would suggest passing on this on.

Rating: D- This movies direction is not likely to enthrall most viewers

Rating: D- This movies direction is not likely to enthrall most viewers

Movie Title: The Lighthouse

Release Date:  10/18/2019

Genre: drama-horror

Where to Watch: Amazon Prime

Run Time: 109 minutes

Rating: R

Director: Robert Eggers

Starring: Robert Pattinson; Willem Dafoe

Production Company: A24; Regency Enterprises; RT Features

Distributed By: A24; VV2 Films; Focus; Features/Universal Pictures

Tags: The Lighthouse; Lighthouse; The Lighthouse Review; Lighthouse Review; Is The Lighthouse Good; Is Lighthouse Good; Is The Lighthouse Worth Seeing; Is Lighthouse Worth Seeing; Is The Lighthouse Worth Watching; Is Lighthouse Worth Watching